
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:43:22
Tom is their______and Kate is their____. 微信标为星标朋友是什么意思 微信标星标是什么意思 地球表面有一薄层.其上有生物生存.科学家把这一薄层叫做-------- 1.地球上适合生物生存的地方,其实是它表面的一薄层,科学家把它称为___. 第一位科学家是怎样证明地球绕太阳转的? 中垂线百度百科有一句定义看不懂要证明一条线为一个线段的垂直平分线,应证明两个点到这条线段的距离相等且这两个点都在要求证的直线上才可以证明 _______ is the only animal that can speak A.Man B.A man C.The man D.Men选哪个?为什么?》 我要绕口令,经典的哦我同桌老欺负我,我想整他 我要英文的绕口令!哪位有比较简单易懂的英文绕口令?给我吧~~~谢啦! 翻译:what do the students in this article think about the school uniforms? —— students have graduated from this school in the last twenty years .A.Tens of______students have graduated from this school in the last twenty years .A.Tens of thousands of B.Tens upon thousands ofC.Tens in thousands D.Tens thousands of 请说 我得学! 想学绕口令,就是说不好 "Look at a man the way that he is,he only becomes worse.But look at him as if he were what he cou 英语翻译HOEP后面的句子用一般现在时还是用将来时FORGET是及物动词吗第一句句子为什么用whether 英语翻译维特是在什么样的心情下说出这样的话来······ even though she looks very young,she is twice older than my 18-year-old sister.这是一道改错题,可是我没看出这个句子的问题, 英语翻译1 我们一直以为她是世界上最繁忙的城市之一.(think of ...as)2 每一位学生都渴望学好英语.(be eager to)3 要是你自己不能去,请找个人带你去.(substitute for)4学习成功与你的努力有很大 even though she looks very young, she is twice older than my 18-year-old sister. 这是一道改错题我知道 TWICE OLDER THAN 这有错误,是不是应该将THAN 改成AS? she is older than she looks如何翻译 北京雅思哪个好北京新航道 Three years has passed since the students came to this school.保持愿意The students have ( )( )this school for three years. 北京雅思和新航道哪个好一些?、最近有上过的么暑假的班哪个好一些?或者其他也可以 nearly three years ( )has passed 还是 have past since i studied at this middle school 福州北京雅思和新航道雅思哪个好啊, I _____ the flat since four years ago A.have live B.have had C.bought D.have bought 我朋友跟我介绍北京的世纪雅思和新航道,到底哪个好呢? 我雅思口语较弱 想上新航道雅思口语班 谁上过 效果怎么样 what have you done for your parents.请以此写一篇英语作文.60字以上即可.无语法错误. 如果地球转停了怎么半.大家都知道今年有闰秒.47年来慢了半分钟,如果闰秒持续下去呢.停到N年的时候地球已经不会转了.那以后的人类会怎样?47年来地球慢了半分钟 据窦忠介绍,按照这几十年 地球会不会停转?刚刚无意想到这么一个问题——地球会不会停转?如大家所知,地球诞生这么久了,它一直在公转和自转.如果地球不会停转,是不是意味着地球本身就是“永动机”呢?我们是不是