
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:40:15
These pens are yellow.改疑问句 this的反义词是什么? this的反义词是? this反义词 英语翻译问题,“20万元人民币” ,最准确的英语翻译是什么?英语翻译问题,“20万元人民币” ,最准确的英语翻译是什么,谢谢大家帮忙一定要准确啊,这个很重要,麻烦各位了 改为比喻句.水流争先恐后地从闸门咆哮而出. 关于“公共场所用手机”的好处,英文表达,这是英语辩论赛的一个辩题. there are lots of chinese shops and restaurants there(对划线部分提问)急急急急急急急急急 求助一道英语经济题Fresh food products deteriorate quickly in people's homes.Customers need to visit shops which sell fresh food frequently.How would demand for the shop's packaged goods( non-fresh fodd) be affected if they didn't stock the f 有关经济学的一道问题,英文的You are planning to run a hot dog stand during a forthcoming fair. You originally estimated that you will generate sales revenue of €2000 and you have already spent €1000 building the hot dog stand. The hot 下列词语的反义词或对应词:old,buy,this,easy,answer 我的心情格外激动怎么改为比喻句 电话英语的好处现在身边很多同事都开始学电话英语了,一到中午就接个电话,也就10分钟左右.这个对英语提高有帮助么? 电话英语有什么优点? 比赛马上就要开始了,小丽的心情非常紧张(改为比喻句) 他的情绪非常激动〔改成比喻句 "使用手机的好处" 英文~怎说? 我的心情很激动.改比喻句 那种手机带英语翻译功能您能回答我么? there were lots of Chinese shops 怎样改成一般疑问句?准确的! 如何回答let me clean the blackboard clean the blackboard 怎么背单词快 Please clean the blackboard的否定句 请用笑口常开、悲欢离合、阳光明媚造句, 烈日炎炎、硕果累累、阳光明媚的造句.(要写景!)求以上几个词的造句! 用:微笑,和蔼,挤进,熙熙攘攘,琳琅满目,川流不息,摩肩接踵,五颜六色,阳光明媚.这几个词造句. Imagine me Without You中英文歌词要Jaci Velasquez唱的啊!还有最后的哼的高音(有时有英文)和给她伴唱的人的歌词!我要的急! 回答好处大大的,关于英语的Hi,i'm tony.i'm healthy.How shouldwe#1______we#2______?Letme tell you.You should gct#3______of sleep and#4________every day.You should#5_____milk and a #6_____of water,you should eat vegetable,eggs addfruit.You sh 求魔兽世界所有BOSS英文名字必须中英对照,复制的复制完整点.我需要提取音频.有好的可以下载WOW铃声的地方同样采纳问题 there are lots of chinese shop and restaurants in the street .怎么改疑问句 英语翻译As long as stars shine down from heaven And the rivers run into the sea Til the end of time forever You are the only love I'll need In my life you're all that matters In my eyes the only truth I see When my hopes and dreams have shattered there are lots of good restaurants.(改为一般疑问句)