
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:14:22
有部电影叫剪刀手爱德华,翻译成英文怎么说? yellow dog black sheep blue coat分别代表什么意思连线yellow dog A.小人black sheep B.警察blue coat C.害群之马 black book ,black dog,black sheep的意思各是什么? 英语连词成句 China,side,people,drive,in,on,the,right(,)英语连词成句China,side,people,drive,in,on,the,right(,)( .) will,200years old,tobe,live,people连词成句 炎黄子孙的炎黄指的是谁? 国籍指中国还是中国人nationalities是不是=countries是添china还是Chinese 苏轼《水调歌头.明月几时有》中道尽千载离人心愿的句子是?《水调歌头》中 live will the where you in future 连词成句future ,we,create,a,will,work,to,better,hard(.) 连词组句 1.live,will,the,where,you,in,future ) 答完了就加分 英语连词成句what be will the you guess like future in 熊猫过生日有俩愿望谁知道~有关与它自己的 大熊猫过生日,它有什么愿望啊? “我的骄傲,源自你的真挚”翻译成英语怎么说PS:在线翻译的就不要拿来了。看都看出来。 给我一个拥抱,你就是我的骄傲用英语怎么说 水调歌头明月几时有中道尽了千载离人心愿的词句是什么大神们帮帮忙谁知道知道的说 do you think people will be able to live on the moon in the futureA I think so,too B I'm afraid they are wrong C I don't think so D I hope so ,but I don't think so This is a hard work a an 可以修饰抽象名词呀 但老师说hard work 也没讲清楚 I think people will live (on a space station) in the future对括号内容提问____ ____ ____ ____ people will live in the future? I,new,think,like,people,look,will,don't,his 连词成句 帮我连连 Want be your lover want be your girl? 有关月亮的古代诗歌给我几首与月亮有关的诗歌,并说明诗人都寄托了哪些情感,不用多4,5首就可以 they are shopping[ ]the mall Let's go _at the shopping mall.A.shopping B.to shopping C.shoping D.buy 英文at the mall you your next buy your shopping 描写月亮的著名诗句著名的 描写月亮的有名诗 Want be your The problem is so hard that almost nobody can work it out为什么用nobody This problem is so difficult that nobody can work it out.It is ___ ___ ___problem_____nobody can work it out. ( )It was ____ that nobody could finish it.A.so hard work B.such hard work C.such work D.so work为什么选B求解析