
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:52:01
《采薇》最后两句"我心伤悲,莫知我哀."包含哪些伤感的内容?你如何评价这些内容? 刚刚在基坑内发现一个青花瓷小碗,高约6厘米,直径约8厘米.碗底落款为一个蓝色正方形加两条对角线.请问各位专家这碗是哪个年代的?(从古代到现代这里一直是墓地) 读读青花瓷上的款识,说说你对句子的理解1.百草千花雨气新2.吉且祥,宜富康,多子孙,寿命长,千亿万岁未见殃 乌云密布近义词闰土的图片 《采薇》中以景色描写衬托出“我心伤悲”的诗句是什么是一句诗 用景色衬托心情的句子啊, "酆"是怎么个读法 瞿酆的读音 -还有意思是什么? __is no longer as easy as it was in the past(choosing what to eat)为什么不填chose what to eat? But it's no longer what it once was in the region 读音是qiao,是女性名字的有哪些? 请问这一题怎么做7? 英语翻译['præktls][sməuk][fi:ld][klu:]['preznt]['dʌmpliŋ][dis'mis]['helθi] vesting options 一楼 你那个是直接的字面含义 这个词是出现在期权、股票等金融财务的句子里的全句是 Schedule of all options,warrants,rights and any other potentially dilutive securities with exercise price and vesting 这是什么野果 兔子能吃野果吗? 只要做第三题1一7 Show Lily the ticket when you return to school.(写出同义句)Show the tickets _____ _____ when you _____ _____ to school. ____children like me can't buy such expensive school things Can you help me 快,第七题 第七题快. The ruler and the eraser are LiLei's LiLei's划线,划线部分提问 i sit behind LiLei.划behind LiLei,写出划线部分的句子成分 求翻译,white 填写表格: Country Capital city Great citiesChinaThailandIndiaJjapanSouth korea 将Eng文翻下.One day about a week ago,I heard someone knocking at my door.I opened the door and saw Zhao Zijin.Wearing a red T-shirt on her body and a pair of "361-degree" sports shoes on her feet,Zhao Zijin looked quite different from she looked 求“带你体验快乐时光”的英语翻译? 谁能帮我把下面这篇《张国维》翻成现代文下个星期我要参加一个阅读比赛,这篇文章的翻译对我很重要!张国维,号玉笥,浙江东阳人.天启壬戌进士,除翻禺令.以卓异入为刑科给事中,升太常少 山怎么说,用英文,是moun然后什么 山山用英语怎么说? “天空飘来五个字 那都不叫事”来自《非诚勿扰》哪一期 山东大学大学英语网络教学平台怎么登陆为甚麽无法注册新用户?