来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 07:39:46
What's her name?I _____What's her name?I _____A、forgetB、forgotC、had forgottenD、am forgetting i dont know,image i don i dont know her i dont want to know 这几个歇后语的下句是什么?(后句要是成语)月亮底下跳舞——断了藤的西瓜——十五的月亮——一定要是成语 下列歇后语的后半句都是一句成语白日做梦—( )病好了打大夫—( )参天大树—( )搬起石头砸自己的脚—( )挨了棒的狗—( ) 谚语(俗语)“大智若愚”的下句是什么?注意是下句哦! his father came to this school fire years ago同义句转换 请问这句话是对是错?(英语)“you're only permitted to bring 200 cigarettes with you.”是对是错?我想问:with you 是否跟前面的you're重复了. What's her name?Her name's Joan White .She is White Joan.哪个是对的 Love is a lamp,while friendship is the shadow.When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everyw这句话全部是什么意思,用中文翻译过来、 英语翻译Only further research can reveal their full empirical power;yet existing studies-from explanations of the democratic peace toendogenous tariff theory to theories relating domestic institutions and ideasto foreign policy-suggestconsiderabl 1、英语六级刷分,那原来的成绩会作废吗?2、过了英语六级后,还可以考哪些比较有含金量的英语证书? “i dont know chinese ” I've give you my heart and sold my soul 如题 Everything I do I give my heart and soul.中文是什么? give me you soul ,give you my heart cet6级别的其他英语证书我大学没考过cet6,只有cet4,现在工作2年多了,跳槽到好一些的企业,人家都要cet6.请问大家现在还有其他的一些英语证书吗,有些含金量的,我可以考的.本人本科,不准备出 under it are some men 为什么这里不是“there are”而直接用“are”还是说两种用法都可以?这个句子是从初中课本看到的,我英语水平不高,不知道的请别乱回答,谢谢. 男:give me your heart!女:it's too cheesy.谁能帮我解释一下女回答的含义错了 是 that's too cheesy day by day做时间状语时,谓语动词用什么时态 day and day做时间状语时,谓语动词用什么时态 有人说 2010年 12月 的四级 就是 明天.不分AB卷.是不是真的啊?急 急 ! i dont know 和 i think you know的MP3东方神起 含有D开头单词的词组 根据局以及首字母提示完成句子.1.There are many b___in Australia.2.There are many c___in China. what was her name?和what is her name?有什么区别? Soon the house filled with people为什么不是用be filled with there are more kinds of food and clothes to choose from.为什么要加from He would have given you more help,if he ______ (not be) so busy.是填 had not been吗? there are more kinds of food and clothes to choose from.to choose from在这里面是什么语? He has been so busy,otherwise he ___ you more help.A will give B would give C would have given D will have given我记得虚拟语气都有个主从 if引导的貌似