
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:07:45
Hao many computsory conrses do you have? Hao many ____( candy ) do you have 英语翻译“看懂”怎么翻译啊?直接understand? 请求介绍楚州的英文材料请问有谁有介绍楚州的英文材料,有急用 记得在楚州吧里看到过 但是找不到了 用古诗形容黄河 I think that’s enough work.我不要直译翻译!如果答案好,我觉得是:“我认为那是一个对我来说足够的工作”, that's nowhere near enough是什么意思 基于单片机的单总线多点温度测控系统的程序和电路图要求:1.测温范围:-50℃~+120℃2.测量误差:0.5℃,显示分辨力:0.1℃3.测量点数:18点,按1#、2#、……18#进行编号.4.有两种显示方式:⑴ how would you demonstrate that the earth is round?为什么用would? (He didn't want the axe,why would he want that )这句话是什么意思 Why would anyone want to buy that product?此句的意思?其中Would 在句子中的意思 Why do you have so many significant lines on earth that are 23.5 degrees from some significant point? 你可以在那个小公园谈吉他(英语翻译) 黄河上的艄公有什么词形容?5个以上,有分哦 描写黄河的主人艄公 词语快 用一组恰当的词形容黄河的“险”,再用一组词描写艄公的“智勇双全”.黄河的主人那课: 黄河滚滚.那万马奔腾、浊浪排空的气势,令人胆战心惊. 像突然感受到一股强磁力似的,我的眼光 竺可桢,刘备,祁黄羊,公仪休,叶欣,黄河上的艄公可以用什么词形容? 连词成句 do、spell、your、how、name、you Can you spell your the first name?那里错了?怎么修改? Tom ,would you like some bananas ___your pizza?-Yes ,mom ,that's my favorite.A on B IN选哪,为何 that would be 用法 Would rather的虚拟用法 I am.___ ___,David.can you spell your name?Good morninggood morningcan you tell me your name? name is David.are you Tim?yes,I am.__________ __________,David.can you spell your name?yes.d-a-v-i-d,david.excuse me.what's this in english?it's an er ——Can you spell your name?——______.A.Yes,I can.B.S-T-E-V-E,Steve.C.No,you can't.D.OK.选哪个啊 要说原因的. “why do you do that?”的中文意思是?翻译为“你为什么要这样做”, How would you like to do that?怎样翻译 请问too ,very,enough用法上有特别的讲法吗? 请问:too/enough/very三者在使用上的区别.如题. 关于too,very和enough的问题1:I could answer the questions2:They were very easy.--- 能不能这样改They were easy enough.3:I couldn’t answer the questions4:They were too difficult.句2和句4的too和very能不能互换 At the contest linda spoke about the importance of english .about why english___ ___ 新标准六年级下I have got some stamps from China 该句中的from可不可以换成in,或of详细说明为什么可以或不 可以,如果需要的话最好有一些例句说明 请用any have food from you china got连词成句