
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:18:37
What's his favorite subject?改同义句What subject( )he ( He was born on the morning of July 2nd,1986.He was born( )the morning( )July 2nd,1986 动词作主语用ing形式吗?例如:bring it to me.就不用ing形式,例如:flying is for birds .就得有, 用不用是否与祈使句有关?! 再告诉我every 与 each 的区别! 动词短语作主语时,其后要跟ing形式吗,是不是后面有谓语动词时才加? 为什么动词短语放句首不加ing比如look at the black board 解方程 x-4分之1x=8.45*5分之1 的分数的 45%x+64+(45%x+64)乘4分之3-10等于x解方程详细些谢谢 亲,请问君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚的意思 且臣少仕伪朝,历职郎署,本图宦达,不矜名节 且臣少是伪朝的且怎么翻 臣少仕伪朝 仕的意思 居臣仕水怎么样 连词成句:month my one is plant old 请问What is your favorite book?的同义句 连词成句 old my one is plant month . My plant is one month old.中文 my plant is one month old(改为一般疑问句) 改写成否定句 My plant has two green leaves.My plant is one month old.I can hardly wait. 即使我是一颗小草也要染遍天涯.我需要一篇演讲稿.题目就是即使我是一颗小草也要染遍天涯 给点灵感啊~ 沧海一粟,何处寻觅.天涯茫茫,知音难觅!是啥意思? colourful colourful中文 colourful是什么意思? Is she named kate?A.Yes,she is.B.Yes,it is.选那个? Some years later ,could we still know other each 暮鼓对( ) 夕阳西下对( ) 例:细雨对(和风)夕阳西下对(..)暮鼓对(…)雪花飘落(写—个打比方的句子) colourful是什么意思,请各位帮帮忙! colourful,是什么意思,采纳哦! 给某人一些建议用英语怎么讲? 给某人一些建议的用英语怎么讲? See you 10000 years later x:21=3分之4(解方程要过程).