
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 02:35:05
How much is this hair clip(同义句) 英语man的对应词是? 英文men'smen's是什么意思,是不是可以直接翻译为男人的. THey _____(arrive) here before 8 o'clock last night 新目标英语八下p32 section2翻译 Why don't you choose the red tie?For me,it doesn't_____ my shirt very well.A fix B accept C compare D match选哪个,A为什么不行?fix也表示 适合 人们误读南京大屠杀这段历史,说南京是一座无抵抗的历史.(改病句) -Why don't you choose the red tie?-For me,it doesn't ____my shirt very well.A.fix B.acceC,compare D.match,请问答案及原因我也觉得应该是D,这是武汉2010年中考题, 修改病句:上周末,南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆对外开放,截止本周二下午六时,仅四天时间观众就超过万人. the tie goes well wih his shirt同义句 求作文“我心中的歌”话题作文,不少于600字 英语单词man和men怎么发音?man[mæn] 是否发音 与汉字“慢”的发音相同?men [men] 发音的是不是也发“慢”,只是口型比 man 张的小 形容男人的英语单词,记得在后面加man. More than a month ____ since the foreign friends came here.为什么A. has passed B. have passed C. has past D. have past The tie matches the skirt very well.(对画线部分提问)very well 画线 The tie matches his shirt.改同义句 The tie ( ) (The tie matches his shirt.改同义句The tie ( ) ( ) ( )his shirt. 有哪些英文单词后面是man 含有man的英语单词,但意思必须是什么什么人比如警察的英语单词啊,蜘蛛侠啊,钢铁侠啊,蝙蝠侠啊之类的含有man(人)意思的英语单词.10个最低1 How long are they going to stay at Hong Kong 怎么样回答? They are p____ to go to Hong Kong. they came here for a year这句哪错了? they came here an hour ago 改为同义句 they ___ ___ here for an hourthe dog died two weeks ago 改为同义句the dog ___ ___ ___ since two weeks ___ They came here in autumn.同义句 They ____ ____ here ____ _____. they came here as e__ students 悼念1937年12月13日南京大屠杀死难的30万同胞 用英文怎么说? they are going to beijing next month对划线部分提问( beijing) ()()they()next month? They flew to Hong Kong They一to Hong Kong一一They flew to Hong Kong They一to Hong Kong一一 同义句 填空 1,At last he r--- he was wrong 2,The Smiths are going to t--- to China next week _____ _____ _____ ,the Smiths came to china.今年年初,史密斯一家人来访中国 In the last years, China has sent up many _________ satellites, _________ a weather satellite, a science satellite,a TV satellite and so on.A. man-made,includingB. men-made, includedC. man-made,containingD. men-made,including 在括号里填上适当的动词:He ()(visit)many places since he() (come) to China last year. mr.smith (visited) many places of historicl interest in china last year. a.came to b.wentc.called atd.call on