
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:06:37
i got up early this morning/in the morning都可以吗? he got up early ,____He was late this morning because of the busy traffic on the roadA however B although C yet D and 说理由呀 clothes不可数,为什么可以用Many修饰?RT... “爱已绝望”的英文怎么 fishes是用many修饰还是much?为什么? Which would you like to c( ),the one or that one 1.This computer has a big screen.That one has a cool shape.__one would you like?A Which B WhereC Why D what 2.The old man can not write.He can not __write his name.A ever B alreadyC even D still Every day we go to school and listen to the teacher,and the teacher will ask you some questions.的的首字母填空 Can you______ (swim)in the water?The shop _______(have),many clothes.适当形式填空 There are many clothes in the shop? 对many clothes 提问?怎么写? 请问They need some honey怎样改成否定句? 穿过沙漠到底是用across还是through?很纠结,看到很多人说是across,但沙漠应该是穿过啊,就像穿过丛林啊能不能自己陈述一下沙漠风沙弥漫啊,怎么会一览无遗== 穿过人群用across还是through我认为是through 但是有人说是across 一首男唱的英文歌,比较欢快,主唱没听清,副唱一直重复Because I am happy副歌的节奏是:Because I am happy~happy Because I am happy~happy我是在体育频道听到的,不知道是不是Because I am happy反正读音相近 This is a happy end.Cause you don't understand.Everything you have done.Why's everything so wron l like this because this is so sweet and happy day!中文意思.急 我对爱情很失望的英文怎么说形容那种很深的失望 英语翻译翻译成词组 lian和xuan的拼音怎么拼 看拼音,写词语. lian ai ( )( ) 分看拼音,写词语.lian ai( )( )分别是二声和四声 “lian li”这个拼音的中文怎么写? which one do you like best?(回答问题:又大又红的那个) Which one do you like best?这句话是啥意思呀?有急用! 用gave for My my me parents doll birthday a 造句 这题选哪个?说明理由A、B两站相距42千米,甲骑自行车匀速行驶,由A站经P处去B站.上午8时,甲位于距A站18千米的P处,若再向前行驶15分钟,便可到达距A站22千米处.设甲从P处出发x小时,距A站y千米 香港拼音颜玉艳是Yen yuk-yin吗? “智慧”的香港拼音 they need food and water 的同义句谁知道? 穿过桥用through还是across 走过桥的介词through和across怎么区别?一定要易懂形象哦~ jie(第二声)责 怎么写 <<风筝>>一文填空<<风筝>>通过___事件的叙述和严肃的_,__解剖,批判了那些受___思想影响,无端压制___的父兄,抒发了因四周的___和___而形成的无可把握的_