来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:50:31
志愿者作文要扫楼道的, 为了属于我们所向往的生活,这就是生活,Aspire to belong to our life ,that is just life, "The answer to our life"怎么译最好?这是backstreetboys的专辑《black and blue》中的一首歌,但我总觉得歌名的翻译比较别扭! the answer to our life 中英文歌词对译 He coming gave life to our party的翻译 1道英语首字母填空,最好附有解释,谢谢哈last night she insisted on doing the housework h___ as usual,so this morning her illness got w___ 鑫字用粤语怎么念? 这些字用粤语怎读?柘,讴,晟,彝,穰,薮,羿看报时遇到的不懂, “鑫”字如何读 关于Sanger法测DNA序列的一个小问题~为什么要用放射性同位素标记任意一种dNTP,而不是引物或ddNTP?我觉得如果在某条链终止前没有该种被标记的dNTP,那么在最后放射自显影是不就无法显示这条 首字母填空 I asked him to go to bed earlier,but he on doing his homeworkwhy didn’t tom go to bed until 12:00last night?i asked him to go to bed earlier,but he i________on doing his homework 今天作业明天就要交了…… 为什么Sanger首先测的是牛胰岛素的蛋白质序列,不是其他蛋白质?而且人工合成的第一个蛋白质也是牛胰岛素,为什么都选择这种蛋白质?是因为这种蛋白质结构相对比较简单么? 填空:他想尽可能快地完成工作:He wants to do his homework ___ ___ ___ ___.他想尽可能快地完成工作:He wants to do his homework ___ ___ ___ ___. 获得DNA和蛋白质序列的几种途径 根据首字母提示填空He always f to do his homework 类似达尔文进化岛的地图可以进化的,不是繁琐升级打怪的,有趣味的 达尔文进化岛属于哪种地图? 达尔文进化岛合成书地图上在哪里找? 英语句子改错He has worked on this farm for two years when he was a young man .请问哪...英语句子改错He has worked on this farm for two years when he was a young man .请问哪里错了,怎么改,为什么? I have known the young man for two years同义句 The young man left his hometown ten years ago.(保持句意基本不变)The young man—— ——away form his hometown for ten years . his sister ________the young man for five yearshis sister ________the young man for five yearsA has got married with B was married to C got married D had got married to 个人感觉是A 广东话“使用”的“使”字怎样读?这个字我在看香港新闻时读“屎”,广州话不是这样的吧?我是广东清远人,看清远新闻百姓关注时也读成“屎”,可有时又听到有人读“西(第三声)”,究竟 舜字广东话怎样读 姲 字的广东话如何读 简述四种获得DNA和蛋白质序列的方法. 如何用expasy查找一个蛋白质的DNA序列 dna序列转换成蛋白序列已知基因的DNA序列 cdna序列,如何得到蛋白序列呢?用DNAman可以么?或NCBI上?如何操作呢?这样得出的蛋白序列是唯一的吗?不考虑蛋白的空间结构啥的么? There's more land in Australia than the government knows to do with it.怎么翻译这句话? he has to do his homework after school.对do his homework 提问 ( )does he have to( )after schoohe has to do his homework after school.对do his homework 提问( )does he have to( )after school What is important when arranging a course? After supper he did his homework.Hw ( ) supper.( )he did his homework.