
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:25:56
英语翻译She just thought he was downright stupid. when you answer the phone,you should _____ first 造这样的句子:When I answer the phone I'm learning a dragon dance now.改为否定句 骨密度T值6.6,Z值7.1,反映什么问题 骨密度T值0.3是什么意思? 急求婴儿骨密度测量 Z值 SOS值 百分位数 的正常范围~!大家好!7个月零4天的宝宝做超声波骨密度测试为:测量部位……胫骨中段; SOS值……2957[ 米/秒(m/sec)] Z值……-3.2;百分位数… $1,000,000,000,000读作 a thousand billion, one thousand billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion)$1,000,000,000,000 是读作a thousand billion, one thousand billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion),还是读作one million million 与phone搭配用tell answer reply say 哪个对,为什么please if no one ----the phone in the office A tells B answers C replies D says选什么, i am very older than you are .为什么这里还要加are?不加可以吗 It was a quiet village in which there was a military camp为什么是in which 不是which a silent village和a quiet village那个正确? Can you manage to do your new job duty.How should I answer to boss.How should I answer to boss.Boss:Can you manage to do your new job duty?I:Yes,I can .please provide a better answer here. mead & company license manage 是什么?windowxp 的程序列表中这个是个什么程序?什么时候装上去的都不知道 student should be taught how to manage their ownlives by their parents 对 their parents提问 本科生需要考英语三级吗? 考本科要英语三级吗我英语不行...就是大专升本科 我想知道alone,loney的区别,详细一点、谢. alone和loney在句子中用法的区别别说的太罗嗦 when you are with a friend or acquaintance and you bump into someone you know.请译 Are e-dictionaries good for students?的英语作文 Phil has already finished his report,so he_work on it on it any more.A.needn't B.doesn't need C.needn't to D.not need to我对needn't not need to啊什么的搞不清,马上就要考试了 The questions that we talked about___ ___ ___dinosaurs south of the earth用什么介词,是on,in,还是,to 装修怎么翻译 英语翻译Temperature of the flash,not less (.C)in the 110MMin closed cruciblein the open crucible .C 求助!一些关于装修的翻译Non-Rated Doors=443Right Hand Swing:232Left Hand Swing: 21120 Minute Doors=412Double Door Pairs: 10Interconnecting Door Sets 129请教达人们这些数据都是什么意思啊,我实在是搞不太懂也查不到, These three usually spent their time crying and quarrelling,but today they were sitting quietly around their mother in the sitting-room.I wanted to join the family circle,but Mrs Reed,my aunt,refused Bessie had complainted about me.请问这里有什 united we It was the way __ he walked ___ made people laugh.Which 还是that 分别怎麼填. I went with my cousins.写出问句 英语问题--阅读理解58Students in a science class are using wormsto compost the soil.First ,food wastes from the cafeteria are taken to thegreenhouse .Then the worms break down the leftovers to create fresh soil.Lastmonth,students began to harv