
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:50:29
你也要记着哦:我们的爱没那么廉价,把眼光放远点,顺路不通走侧路.或者,侧路不通走顺路! 下面 属“业务” 我看不懂 本人文盲动漫《海贼王》里罗罗诺亚·索隆的佩刀[2]之一.三把中刀身最窄,弯度最大的刀以刀柄以及刀鞘上为的一小段白色布条(似乎是布条没错)以及刀身上,纹路诡 帮忙分析下,刚学的!)#include void main( ){int a,b,sum;scanf("%d,%d",&a,&b);sum=a+b;printf("sum is %d\n",sum);} 下面第二段英文我看不懂,Mark Barlet has no feeling in one of his legs because of an accident.He asked that all the computer cords under his desk be placed away from his legs so his computer would not get pulled off the desk.Mr.Barlet says p 请问关于I think或he say 等等第一三人称的反义疑问句怎样变,是否都遵循否定在主句,反义在从句?还是只有第一人称时遵循以上原则那第二人称呢? 钙和氧能形成AB2行的共价化合物吗 缩写句子:从孩子的嘴里飞出宛转的夜莺的歌声 地层接触关系野外研究方法 夜莺的歌声是什么 铜tp2和普通的铜有什么区别啊 武则天遗言立无字碑,由后人评说自己的功过.下列是四位同学根据掌握的有关历史知识,为评价武则天撰写的一句碑文.你认为最恰当的应该是A.我国历史上唯一的女皇帝,提高了妇女地位,开启 was built the first computer 1946 in.连词成句. Keep the medicine ______ the childrena.off to b.outc.fromd.away from was ,buil,the,first,computer,1946,in(连词组句) sad,bewas ,buil,the,first,computer,1946,in(连词组句)sad,be,feels,after,exams(连词组句) Charles Babbage is generally considered __ the first computer.A.to invent B.inventing C.to have invented D.having invented请高手给个确切的答案,再讲下其中的语法知识, but the first large,modern computer was built in 1948. Who invented the first computer?plese use English to answer it. A、B、C三种短周期元素,最高化合价依次是+1,+2,+7,则由他们组成的共价双原子分子化合物都有哪些? 武则天的是非功过有哪些 五年级英语按要求改句1、There's _a_ goose in the river.(对划线部分提问)2、I like my English teacher _because she is kind_.(对划线部分提问)3、I like Mary‘s and Alice's homes.(改为一般疑问句)4、There is lots of sunsh 我们通过观察( )痕迹、( )岩层和( )化石,可得知地壳确实在变动. 内部灼热岩浆沿地壳薄弱处喷出地表的现象叫什么? 出租车的英文哪些食物不宜存放在冰箱中 Tom wants the camera on the top of the shelf划线提问(top of the shelf划线) 武则天一生功过有哪些? It 's one 's first time to do sth 英语句式 It's one's first time for 后边加动词的什么形式?同上 It's one's first time to do sth同义句转换It's my first time to take part in the high jump.I took part in the high jump____ ____ ____ ____. It\'s my first 求《First Time》one voice唱的地址~急歌词是:You've been always on my mind,From now on and 'til the end of time,I pray that you'll be mine,Day and night I think about you and how I need you here with me,just to be with you in your arms at 北京大学创建于什么时期A洋务运动时期B辛亥革命时期C国民大革命时期D抗日战争时期 血浆是在血液里的流动液体,组织液是细胞间隙里的液体,作为细胞外液都可以理解,但淋巴液呢?我知道细胞外液是由血浆 组织液 淋巴液这三种液体组成,但是就是不能很好的理解淋巴液在细胞