
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 17:06:23


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents.This money is given to children for good luck .People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .The Spring Festival lasts about 1
long .People visit relatives and
with the words “Have all your wishes ”.People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .春节是中国最重要的节日.春节是庆祝



英文:While celebrating the New Year, to celebrate the New Year, countries and regions in the world can be said to be common practices.In China, also included a national holiday.China and the majority of the world's countries and regions in the use of public calendrical Act, on January 1 as the New Year began,known as "New Year's Day."As different countries in the world located in the longitudinal position that the time was different and, therefore,"New Year's Day" date is different.If Oceania to the west boundary of the day at the island nation of Tonga, it is the world's first start of the day,is the first country to celebrate the New Year.And the eastern boundary of Western Samoa and Japan is the world's latest, the beginning of a new day.Li dollars, according to the public, is the world's first 12 countries beginning of the New Year.


The new year is coming


The new year is coming
在爆竹声中,我们迎来了中国人最盛大的节曰——春节,家家喜气洋洋,挂上红红的灯笼,贴上红红的春联,忙忙碌碌……正月初一,又是一个快乐的曰子。以往我都是起得最晚的人,可今天我争了个第一,因为极想闻闻那香气扑鼻的爆竹烟味儿。一串串鞭炮在人们手中点燃,声音真大,四处飞溅,仿佛要把每一个祝福送到千家万户,一阵阵爆竹声接连不断,噼里啪啦的,热闹非凡。 在鞭炮声过后,就没有什么好玩的了。还是吃早餐吧,待会儿出去玩一玩!吃过饭后,我邀几个朋友一起去玩,在街上点燃的爆竹在地上开出了美丽的花,漂亮极了,袋里装着父母给的零花钱,甭提多高兴了。今天的小鸟也出来凑热闹,大概它们心里也很高兴吧。街上不愧是街上,玩的吃的样样俱全。看到的大多数是一些小孩,我瞧了瞧,就数麻辣摊的生意最好:“我要一串年糕!”一个胖孩子叫道。再去别的地方瞧瞧如何?在一家文具店摊前,我又停下了脚步。那里有各种玩的东西:飞机模型、望远镜、电动汽车……尽是一些玩的东西。我发现最受欢迎的是那些玩的东西。在其它地方,我还看见有的在卖气球、手枪、跳绳,有的在卖小吃、点心、水果,穿的用的吃的样样俱全,真是无奇不有。玩了一上午,下午我又要去走亲访友拜新年了,这无疑也是一件高兴的事。今天真是玩得太痛快了!算是一饱眼福二饱口福三饱手福了。最为幸运的是那些卖主了,今天可是生意兴隆啰!真心希望今天全国的小朋友在新的一年里快快乐乐,没有烦恼,但千万不要“玩物丧志”哟!简评:本文以一天的见闻为线,写出了春节的喜庆气氛。打爆竹,逛街,一路写来,在热闹的氛围中写出了人们过春节时高兴心情。可以说本文的“高兴”可算全文之文眼。而以一天的活动为视角切入,反映传统春节的热闹与人们的无限快乐,抓住了话题“春节”的关键特点。盼啊!盼啊,眼看春节就快到了,想到这,我不由得笑了起来,在春节前,人们个个喜气洋洋,个个精神饱满。逛街的人络绎不绝,有的在买年画,有的在买年货,有的坐着火箱围着火炉看电视,还有的人在打麻将打扑克,等等不一而足。反正街上五彩缤纷,各种各样的人都有,各种各样的货物都齐全,琳琅满目,人们恐怕想买什么都难选择!春节前,家家户户都灯火通明,家家都把房子打扮得别具一格,各有各的个性。他们把买来的年货放得满地都地。买来的年画怎么贴法,那就各有自己的风格和喜好了。有的正着贴,有的倒着贴,还有的歪着贴,各有千秋。人们把买来的菜全部都弄好了,只等春节一到,就可一饱口福了。家家备有鞭炮,人们穿上新衣服,准备迎新年,在春节前,人们一出门,如果遇上了好朋友,总是口中不忘说一句:“上街啊!”人们杀猪宰羊,忙碌地准备着春节大吃大喝一番。春节到了,小朋友们便早早起床,来到爸爸妈妈的房间,开始了传统的拜年仪式了。小朋友们对父母说着一些吉祥话儿,爸妈就拿出压岁钱,让小孩子们高高兴兴。大家都希望今年能够吉祥如意,招财进宝。一些亲朋好友欢聚一堂,品尝着美酒佳肴,谈着一些开心的话儿。而最高兴的则是我们,可以大把大把地攒取压岁钱,然后就欢天喜地跑到街上去买很多好玩的东西,如小汽车、四驱车、玩具枪、足球等,而我们只要嘴巴甜一点,多说些祝福的话儿,那可就大赚一笔了!人们一直玩到深夜,嘴里啃着美味水果,手里燃放鞭炮烟花……大人小孩们载歌载舞,忘情地玩个痛快!
In the sound of firecrackers, we ushered in the Chinese grand feast -- the Spring Festival, every family be bursting with happiness, hang up red lanterns, red paste couplets, bustling about...... Lunar January day, it is a happy day. Ever since I was the latest person, but today I for a first, because the firecracker smoke most want to smell that smell the smell of. String firecrackers light in the people hand, the sound is very big, splash, as if every blessing to thousands of households, the bursts of firecrackers sound continuously, crackling, lively and extraordinary. After the firecrackers, have no what fun. Still eating breakfast, I go out and play! After dinner, I invited some friends to play in the street lighting firecrackers, opened in the beautiful flower, beautiful, bag containing parents give pocket money, not to mention more than happy. The bird out today, they are on the heart glad. The street is the street, play to eat everything. See the most is some children, I look, spicy booth business is best: "I take a bunch of New Year cake!" A fat kid cried. See how to go somewhere else? TanQian in a stationery store, I stopped the footsteps. There are all kinds of fun things: airplane model, telescope, electric vehicle...... Do some fun things. I found the most popular play those things. In other places, I also saw some selling balloons, pistol, rope skipping, some selling snacks, desserts, fruit, clothing is used to eat everything, really Nothing is too strange. To play a morning, afternoon I have to go to dear friends thanks to the new year, it is a happy thing. Today is really play too happy! It is a feast for the eyes two sinseong hoe hand of the three full blessing. The most fortunate are those vendors, but today Business Flourishes! Sincerely hope that today the country's children in the new year, happy, no worries, but never "SAP one's spirit by seeking pleasures"! Comment: in this paper, a day in the line, write the festive atmosphere of the spring festival. Playing firecrackers, shopping, all the way to write, in the lively atmosphere of the new year when people write a happy mood. This can be said that the "happy" the full text can be considered eye. Starting the day's activities as the angle of view, reflects the infinite happy lively and people's traditional festival, the key characteristics of seize the topic "Spring Festival". Ah hope! Hope ah, see the Spring Festival is coming soon, think of this, I can not help laughing, before the Spring Festival, people all be bursting with happiness, full of spirit. People shopping in a continuous line, some in the buy New Year paintings, some do Spring Festival shopping, some sitting round the fire box to watch TV, there are people playing mahjong playing poker, and so on This is not the only one. Anyway, the street a riot of colours, all kinds of people, all kinds of goods are complete, a superb collection of beautiful things, people probably want to buy what is difficult to choose! Before the Spring Festival, the lights are lit each and every family, every family to have a style of one's own house dress, each with its own personality. They have to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival and put it all over the ground. How to buy New Year paintings paste method, it has its own style and preferences. There is a paste, and some backwards paste, and some crooked stick, Each has its own merits. People buy vegetables all ready, waiting for the Spring Festival comes, can be a sinseong hoe. Families with firecrackers, people wear new clothes, preparing new year, before the Spring Festival, people go out, if met good friends, always forget to say the mouth: "Shangjie!" People kill pigs and sheep, busily preparing for the Spring Festival feast. The Spring Festival is coming, the children would get up early, mom and dad went to the room, the beginning of the traditional pay New Year's call ceremony. Children of parents said some auspicious talk, her parents took out the gift money, let the children happily. Everyone wants to be able to Good luck and happiness to you! This year, felicitous wish of making money. Some friends and family have a joyous gathering, taste the delicious food and wine, talked some happy talk. The most happy is that we, can save a lot a lot to get gift money will be full of joy, and ran to the street to buy a lot of fun things, such as cars, four-wheel drive, toy guns, football, and our sweet little mouth as long as, say some blessing words, it can make a lot of money the! People have been playing late into the night, his mouth delicious fruit, the hands of the set off firecrackers...... Adults and children were now singing, now dancing, indifferent to have fun!
