1. _____(There is, has)a pen on the desk. 2. She wants _____(watch, to watch)TV.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:42:27
1. _____(There is, has)a pen on the desk. 2. She wants _____(watch, to watch)TV.

1. _____(There is, has)a pen on the desk. 2. She wants _____(watch, to watch)TV.
1. _____(There is, has)a pen on the desk. 2. She wants _____(watch, to watch)TV.

1. _____(There is, has)a pen on the desk. 2. She wants _____(watch, to watch)TV.
1.There is 【there be的结构表示“有”】
2.to watch【want to do 不定式】

1 there is
2 to watch


1. __There is___(There is, has)a pen on the desk.
there be结构,“有一支钢笔在桌上”
2. She wants __to wtch___(watch, to watch)TV.
want to do sth,"想要做某事”!“他想看电视”

1. There is.这是there be 句型,本身就已经是“有”的意思,所以不能用has.语意重复。be动词的单复数取决于后面的名词。这个句子里因为主语是单数a pen.所以be用单数形式。
2.to watch.want这个动词后面需要跟不定式to do 作宾语。

There is,表示存在,要用there be结构。
want后面的动词用不定式形式,所以用to watch。

第一个:there is ,there be表示有的意思

第二个:to watch ,want to 想要做某事


1.There is 【there be的结构表示“有”】
2.to watch【want to do 不定式】
